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Wallora is a simple yet efficient tool to manage your personal finances better.

Plan your expenses, execute wisely and save well.

Quick and Easy to setup
Create your account in easy steps. Wallora will quickly create a budget for you to start with that you can fine tune as needed
Your data is Secure
Your data is encrypted in database with a 256-bit encryption level and the data exchanged over the internet is encrypted with 128-bit SSL.
In depth Analysis
Find patterns in your spendings and gaps between plan and actual expenditures using our graphical analysis tools
Finance Experts services
Get help from our panel of finance experts for personalized investment recommendations (Currently available only in selected countries)

How it works...

Plan your Monthly and Annual budget

Record expected income and expense for future months. Mark expenses as one time or recurring monthly/yearly.

Track your expenses

Get real time alerts if actual expense exceeds planned budget for the category. Keep track of Bank balances, Credit cards, Loan accounts and Investments.

Analyze your expenses. Predict future of finances

Get graphical analysis of Planned vs Actual. Also get a rough estimate of predicated savings 1 year or 5 years down the line based on current expense pattern.